- Wellness Exams
- Laboratory Services
- Surgical Procedures
- Radiology & Endoscopy
- Dental Services
- Euthanasia & Cremation
- 24 Hour Emergency Services

Dental Services
Hobart Animal Clinic helps provide your pet with quality dental care. Whether your pet is in need of a routine cleaning or extensive dental work, our veterinarians and technicians are ready to provide quality dental care.
Oral Care & Dental Cleaning
Oral care and prophylactic dental cleaning is an integral part of maintaining a healthy pet. Dental disease is the most common disease that affects pets and is often not addressed early enough. Dental disease can affect other organ systems including the kidneys and heart. A thorough physical exam is key to diagnosing dental disease. Prophylactic care and cleaning can save your pet from potentially painful dental disease.
Digital Dental Radiology
Hobart Animal Clinic proudly takes dental radiographs (x-rays) on all our dental cleaning patients. Dental Radiology is essential to evaluating periodontal disease. Approximately 60% of the disease is hidden below the gum line. We believe dental x-rays are essential in evaluating and treating yours pet's oral health.